
Hi everyone! I am going to start off this blog by asking who loves to laugh? What a crazy question right? Well, I’m  curious because today we are going to talk about comedy shows that Elite sells tickets to. 

First up we will talk about Bert Kreischer. This man is straight up hilarious. If you haven’t ever seen him before, then we have to change that. He has some of his stand up comedy shows on Netflix. I would highly recommend watching them. Bert’s comedy shows usually involve him talking about his time accidentally helping the Russian mafia while overseas on a college trip, his family, and more. He does this all while being shirtless. I personally would love to see Bert in person! 

Next we have Leanne Morgan! She is a southern wife/mom from Tennessee. Leanne talks about her personal life ranging from her husband and children to things a 50 year old woman goes through. She is a real hot mess! She will keep you on your toes with her southern sass and twang!! If you want someone you can relate to, this is the woman. Just be sure you go to the restroom first!! We would rather not have to clean up a mess later. 

Dave Chappelle is quite the man! He is an actor, writer, stand up comedian, and producer. He has been in the business for awhile. He talks about a wide variety of subjects during his stand up shows, including pop culture, current events, racism, politics, and more. The man can be funny, but also serious. Just keep in mind that his shows are typically 18+!

We have tickets for Dave Chappelle, Leanne Morgan, Bert Kreischer and more! If you are interested in seeing any of these comedians, go to our website Tell us who you would like to see.

– Katlyn 

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